A New Day

By ANewDay

Norwegian Cruise Begins

After all the preparation and packing etc, we're finally aboard the MS Finnmarken and this is our not so palatial cabin for the next 12 days. It's like being in a caravan, with some really clever stowage! There's an en suite toilet and shower (with underfloor heating), a fridge, a safe, a TV, a phone and a fantastic view out of the window!

The ship is huge and I'm sure we'll get lost several times, but we did manage to find our way to the very swish restaurant for a buffet supper and it's obvious we're not going to starve on this holiday - what a selection!

We sailed from Bergen at 22.30 and even though Norway is an hour ahead of the UK, we were so exhausted we just fell into these very comfortable bunk beds and were soon fast asleep.

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