Round Cumbria

Mr P's triplet brother and sister are cycling round Cumbria with friends this week. They've chosen a good week, we've had hotter weather than most other places in the UK. Mr P joined them just for today. I met them in Greenodd and guessed they would be approaching across the footbridge over the River Leven. I saw them approaching in the distance  and just had time to walk across the bridge and take photos of  them all. The extra is is Mr P in yellow,  led by the mastermind of the trip, Steve who has a second home up here in Cumbria.  I reminded him that we had been living up here for one year now, the anniversary was 10 May and how come he has not contacted us before. We agreed time flies, is it one year already. 
PS I have swapped the extra for the main Blip since most of the comments were written

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