Christmas Eve advice

I'm quite satisfied with the study I have done today- not quite where I want to be but it's like my brain slows down when the notes come out and everything takes twice as long- maybe I am finding it perversely enjoyable! When I was little I remember for a few years on the run watching Hart to Hart on Xmas eve so I always think of that at this time of the year....they should do was ace in a very naff kind of way!

So this 3 card reading is advice of how best to have a calm and zen like Xmas at my last visit felt a bit fraught towards the ones fault just one of those things....

My literal interpretation is: Hang -up side down...or see things from another perspective, there's going to be a charmer with a horse who should be eyed with suspicion (well that's what the card looks like)....not sure what to make of that...use of my sharp, cutting wit will help things??? or defend myself by any means possible!

The 'traditional' interpretation: Let go of selfish considerations, take a whole new different view on things, take no action, have no expectations, ease off 'doing' and simply be. Get involved in new projects and experiences, an opportunity to be taken advantage of (really???that seems to fly in the face of the previous advice). Someone who suffers no fools and can be cutting with words.....

Hmmmmmm Oh I think I prefer my version :-) Nice pictures to look at anyway, even if it didn't really make sense! Good job I don't take it seriously.... Now to make sure the trapeze is packed.....

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