Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Happy Christmas!

Well the trouble with being a dog is that whilst you're good at most things and superior to human beings in almost every way you are somewhat rubbish at wrapping presents. It's the sticky tape, innit!

So all my presents this year will have to involve sitting on a lap and generally kissing people. A lot. Until they submit. And hand over the Christmas treats they can't manage.

I am not certain I have a gift under the tree. At this time of year it is important to reflect. Have I deserved a gift? aprecious says I might like to reflect on the trail of destruction particularly in regard to footwear. And soft toys.

I'm starting to worry now. Is Christmas Eve too late to make up for lost time?

aprecious wouldn't be mean, would she?

Well the German part of the family visit this evening and I am doing the cooking. I'll bob in and out of blip but in case the wine gets the better of me I'll wish you Happy Christmas now!

Edit - I took this at the end of the Victoria Wood programme - my hero - last night. Wasn't it on bizarrely late?

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