
By lauramary

I got THREE postcards today!

I felt fairly anxious most of the morning and didn’t really know why. The constant checking of my phone to find no new messages probably wasn’t helping.

I assumed that going out to see Louise and family could only be a good thing, but I was zombie like. Energy zapped, feeling bleak, I found everything was effort. I just wanted to lie down and not have to do a thing. Even keeping my face from alienating people was hard work.

Unbelievably, I volunteered to be left alone at Louise’s whilst they went out. We had to divide anyway as Louise was expecting a parcel and I was so relieved. It was like I wasn’t going to be able to breathe much longer.

Whilst they were out, Anna FaceTimed from Croatia. That cheered me up hugely and I was a lot more lively for the rest of my time at Louise’s. I do struggle to keep up with how I am.

On my way home, I was walking past the outdoor gym that I went to with B the other day. I wanted to go on the surf machine again - this time with a way of timing the suggested two minutes for a beginner.

I did something very unlike me though. You see, a group of youths were hanging round the apparatus, one even smoking on one side of the surfer. I just walked over and went for it. The girl walked over to the rest of the gang and I got some looks but I actually didn’t care.

My housemate has been complaining about how much I wear my pyjamas around the house. She thinks Brent will tell me it’s not okay. I agreed to ask him. I don’t really see the problem and think it’s 50/50 whether he’ll deem it bad.

I’m also mourning the lack of GP a bit...

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