
By DonnaWanna

Big day out.

We had a big day out today. Travelling by ferry boats we zig zagged up and down the river stopping here and there for a coffee or lunch or a drink.

One of the funniest things we saw was Santa on a jet ski who looked like he was having just too much fun on Xmas eve! :o)

There was a tree wrapped in ribbons, a beach complete with sand and a lifeguard in a park, sand castle art, crows, possums and ducks and lots of other wildlife. The trees are all flowering and beautiful and perfumed. Everywhere you looked there were lizards on walls and birds of many colours, all wonderfully alive and noisy!

Of course there was so much more, it's a vibrant city with lots of people and things happening wherever you went and we could have explored for days and still only covered a little bit of what is here.

You would hardly know that not long ago whole sections of the city were seriously flooded from a catastrophic deluge. They have recovered amazingly well!

Tomorrow is another day, wait tomorrow is Xmas day and there are a lot of plans, stay tuned for further updates!

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