Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Au bord de la mer

I arrived down at my mum's in Sussex last night after a ten and a half hour journey from hell! It ought to take half that time but such are the joys of pre-Christmas train travel, what with 'weather' and engineering work and train failures and whatnot...

Still, I slept like a log and was refreshed enough to go for a grey, windy but mercifully rain-free, stroll along the beach with my mum this morning. It's raining again now, of course!

You can't get much further south from here without hitting continental Europe, as this sign down on the prom demonstrates, but I decided against swimming the channel today - given the weather conditions...

Apologies for my lack of comments over the festive period - I am continuing to look at your journals but am unlikely to have much time to devote to comments until I'm back up north at the end of the week!

That being the case, I'll take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy Christmas, wherever you are and whatever you're doing! X

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