Fundraising for Pseudomyxoma and appendix cancer

My young GP, top left with me, has Pseudomyxoma, a rare cancer which started in her appendix. It was Stage 4 when discovered and she’s had an operation and is now on her second lot of chemo. She came to see off the hundreds of us in the village setting off on a sponsored walk to raise money for support and research into this horrible illness. She was with the practice when our#1 daughter died of cancer so I feel for Georgina all over again.

There were 2 walks, one of 2 miles and the other of 6. #2 daughter brought Thomas (6) and James (4) to take part in the longer walk.

It was a struggle to motivate James early on as a stretch was on the road, but half way round we got to the river at Thropton where they stripped off to play. They were still playing when the sweeper marshals appeared. Turned out one was a client of daughters so we just handed in our numbers and said we’d make our own way back in our own time.

After the river we headed up Physic lane to the moor. On the last mile they stopped at the roly poly place for another snack. James stripped off and unfortunately tripped into some nettles. I’ve never seen so many nettle stings, all the way up his thigh. He did bawl, but was comforted by a cuddle and a song from his mum. Eventually we got to a dock patch so that helped. We got home 5 hours after starting which must be the slowest 6 mile walk ever, but they returned in good spirits.

I got out the ice cream and Mr C took them a bowl each to eat while they watched a bit of TV. Later James held out his bowl to me and said “Grandad forgot to put any ice cream in my bowl, so could you please get me some.”

I don’t know yet how much was raised but WI cake stall alone made £1200.

Meanwhile Ella (7) and Nathaniel (5) did a run in Newcastle for Children’s cancer. Ella did it running with her skipping rope.

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