A walk with Marion

In the morning our U3A Discussion Group held its annual public debate. The motion “The House believes that democracy has failed the UK” was defeated by 2 votes.

I rushed home to be there when Marion arrived from town for a visit. We’d not seen each other for ages, as she spends a lot of time in France where she has a house shared with another couple. It was lovely to catch up.of course we discussed the B word and tactical voting. Do we vote to keep the Brexit party out, or do we vote for one of the two parties which have explicitly stated they are pro EU? It is a real dilemma.

We mulled it over as we walked up to the moor. I think I’m going to have to show I’m for the EU so won’t be voting the way I did last time as that party’s leader won’t commit to EU.

Here is Marion among the blaeberries.

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