
By Kwtracey


I've noticed that some of my photos have had lot of noise in them when they are viewed close up and wanted to figure out what is the problem. At the photography club meeting I heard someone talking about locking the camera mirror up and turning off vibration reduction  to reduce noise,.This sounded like something I could use! I had to google both issues to learn how to set my camera up for mirrorless and vibration reduction. The mirrorless setting is on the camera body and the vibration reduction is on the lens. I also used manual focus, a tripod and a remote shutter. When I super enlarged this photo in PS there really isn't any noise at all!
It was a bit intimidating to go to a photography club meeting. The people were nice and I learned quite a bit, but they seem to know so much more than I do. Some of the conversation was pretty technical. I was able to keep up with a little, but there were some areas where I was simply lost.

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