Crinkly (Day 1475)

An early start today, and a misty wander up the hill with the woofers despite a weather forecast for sunshine.
Hoping for better weather, I made my way to Tingwall to catch the ferry across to Rousay for another attempt at fixing the borehole pump. Vinny and I got everything laid out to make feeding the plastic pipe, power cable etc down the borehole after Vinny had joined on the new cable and made a resin joint. By the time we were ready to put it all down the hole it was after 12, and it took us around quarter of an hour to slowly lower the pump into the hole. We switched on the power only to find that there seems to be a fault in the control panel for the pump. Aaaargh! We will need to return to Rousay again with yet more parts.
The low cloud and mist never cleared and I didn't have the camera out of the bag until I got home for an emergency blip. 
A quiet evening at home on the couch with my beautiful wife beckons. 

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