Mr Hinge & bracket.

Since we got back from holidays, the door on our shed has been difficult to close, so J said we needed new hinges. Off he went to the DIY shop     ( where we will be working next week) bought some new ones, as well as some compost. I stayed home, as I had my housework head on. While he was busy fitting said hinges, I took some photos of him from behind, he didn't know I was there and nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw me. As you know, he hates having his photo taken although he did agree to pose for one shot. This is his "photo face" and doesn't do him justice, because he looks like Mr Angry, which he isn't. I did piles of washing, and washed some of my Guernsey woolen  jumpers which is my uniform  throughout the Winter months. I'm now cooking a steak dinner which I think will go down a treat.

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