If you have it, flaunt it! (WidWed210519)

I had an appointment with my osteopath this morning, which was a good thing as I definitely overdid something cutting up logs and moving them about over the weekend.  Part of her advice was to take things easy for a day or two, so Gill suggested we try a different NT property and picked Stowe Landscape Gardens.  It turned out to be not as far as we thought and quite an easy journey, so we will probably go again and have more of a day there.  For today's Wide Wednesday I have chosen this view of the Palladian Bridge - very artistic and completely over the top as a bridge!

I had some good news from MPB in that my old Tamron Superzoom which I had sent for trade in was worth more than they thought so I'll be getting a new (to me) M5 and a wide zoom for £19.  Hopefully my old 50D, 350D and 5D2 will be making someone else happy very soon.

Thanks to Bobs Blips for hosting Wide Wednesday and to you all for your positive comments over the past few days.

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