By AMK49

Randolph’s Leap

Our journey home from Findhorn took us past Randolph’s Leap , a narrow point on the River Findhorn, and a place we often visited with our sons when they were young - usually causing their mother some concerns. !

Having experienced so much rain in the last few days and particularly overnight I decided to have a walk down to see the raging water and it certainly was quite dramatic as the water rushed through the narrow channels between the rocks. I should have taken my Canon camera with me to be able to use a slow shutter speed.

There is an interesting true story , unlike the legend of Randolph leaping over the river, recounting the Moray floods of 1829 when after 3 continuous days and nights of torrential rain over the Monadhliath Mountains in early August the River Findhorn rose to an enormous height and at Randolph’s Leap the level rose by 50 feet carrying huge boulders down as far as the Leap. The level it reached is marked by two flood stones.

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