Arête des Cosmiques

It's only a brief trip to the Alps - but I've been restless of late, I've felt the lows as much as the highs, felt the shadow of a not quite vanquished dog stalking me. But I knew that time spent in the haute montagne  would be time well spent today, that in the high places only little funny dogs come to mind.
I spent a long while watching climbers out on the Arete - there are many contenders, but I think this is my favourite Alpine climb - one I've done half a dozen times, my first, a contender for my last. I still don't really know if I'll ever be able to wear crampons or swing an axe again - but this is probably where I'll finally find out. It's a relatively easy jaunt through spectacular terrain - with a back drop that always steals the eye.
It's one of the few high mountain routes I've straight out guided people on rather than being part of a team, it has many memories woven into it. I remember finally getting D across it at his third attempt - he coined the wonderful phrase "I went where eagles dared - and discovered I was a penguin"...

Eventually when my lungs were happy and the soul felt fed I headed back down to the valley and another meeting.

Philosophy Friday
“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn.” 
― John Muir

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