Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Etape Caledonia. 136km Sportive

Wake up at 5:10 quite suddenly, as the radio is louder than expected. Get dressed and pack my bike seatpack, then head for breakfast. My start time is 6:40, so I have plenty of time for a nice continental breakfast, and fill up the water bottles.

At least it is not raining for the start. We set off a little late, and I keep in a nice group for the first part. This consists of short climbs and twisty descents. I see one rider fall on a sharp corner, the road is still a bit damp from the rain.

Just after Tummel Bridge is the first long climb towards Trinafour. The road is fairly straight, but narrow. I climb faster than most, and soon I am on the top, However the climb is not part of the King of the Mountains. We all head SW towards Drumglas, and then on to Kinloch Rannoch. Just out of the village, the Loch Challenge starts, a timed route around the whole of Loch Rannoch. It is fine heading west, but at the far end, we head in to the east wind. I lose the group I am in as I cannot open my energy bar. A bit lonely until I get near Kinloch Rannoch again, when I latch on to another group.

There is a fairly flat for a while until Crossmount, where the real King of the Mountains starts. It is steeper and twistier than the first climb

The descent is fast, and soon I am at Keltneyburn, where there is a sharp right hand turn as we head to Fortingall. We head over the Bridge of Lyon, left, then sharp left heading east. the road is narrow until we get to the Strath of Appin, where we rejoin the B. Road. A group catches up with me and I tag along.

I keep to the back of group from heron to Logierait. We manage a steady 19mph, not back as we are cycling into the wind. I use the time to take a couple of gels and fill up on energy drink. This is Strath Tay. Of course we pass the wee hamlet of Dull. We turn off the B road at Weem on to a bump C classroad to the village of Strathtay. I take the last of my energy drink, forgetting the road here is very bumpy and descends down to Pitnacree. I lose the group as hold on to my bottle with my teeth.

The next bit is on an A road. I finish my energy drink, and catch up with the group. I slowly make my way up the group.I know the sting in the tail is nearly here.

At Logieriat, we turn off the A road, and on to a short steep climb. I am at the front of the group, so I speed up the hill,and leave the group behind. I have cycle the section here lots of times, so I know what to expect. Flats and some short steep climbs for the first 3km, followed by a long descent into Ptlochry. One guy keeps up with me for a while, he andI take turns at the front. However on the last climb to the Mains of Killichangie, I overtake him on the last short steep climb, and power away downhill. Knowledge is power here, and I overtake loads of cyclists. Before long I am at Aldour Bridge, and back in Pitlochry. It is flat here, but where we join the A924, there is a 1km climb up to the finish. I drop down three gears, and pedal, Froome like, to the Finish.

136.1km, 85 miles, in 4 hours 41 minutes 

The whole ride can be seen at Relive here.

I head back to hotel for a shower, then head out for lunch. I am famished. Then I head to the event village to get my blip. It is a lot busier than yesterday. The sun has come out and it feels warm in the sunshine.

After I head down to the river. Below the dam, is an old tree. I always wonder how these things get through the dam. I cross over the dam, and get my second Extra of Ben Vrackie. I walk up to the loch, then head down into town for afternoon coffee and cake (still hungry).

After coffee, it starts to rain,so I head back to the hotel and put my feet up before tea. After tea I watch Star Trek Beyond and I work out my results. They are only provisional, placing, Time, Speed and I mile Pace:

Etape Caledonia 384 04:41:04 18.15mph Pace 03:18
Loch Challenge 767 00:56:57 18.85mph Pace 03:11
KOM            252 00:08:53  8.80mph Pace 06.49

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