Back to the bathtime blips

Danny left before 8am this morning..he's away for a few days. 
Today has felt vaguely manic - by the end of it I was, literally, covered in blood, sweat and tears!! Nate managed to split his lip, then later fall and give himself a huge bump and bruise on his head. Joy! But we also read books in bed this morning, did art (which meant the kids had 2 baths today due to excessive glitter glue use), got out for a walk, danced, watched Rio, and sorted Asha's wardrobe.
I spent a chunk of the morning trying to find anther photographer for tomorrow's shoot...I'm gutted but the timings have all been shifted, and because I'm without Danny, I can't do the new shoot times and don't want to rush the photos...but I think I've found them someone really good. She'll get them beautiful shots. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The kids being in bed early after a relatively full on day.
2) A lovely wander with a sleeping Nate & good company Asha.
3) All of Nate's war wounds being superficial. 

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