Final Fotos

Rain rain and rain today!!
This morning I ran to meet a guy about a shoot I'm meant to do on Monday with him and someone else...then met Neil, Danny and the kids in Nude...undercover from the rain! We had an hilarious time drawing make believe animals. You're given two different animals and you have to draw what they'd look like if they were one - plus name it. Lots of fun and laughing... A crocodile and a giraffe would of course be a 'crocoraffe', for example. 
From there we went up to the Old Town and to a friend's restaurant. She has an amazing place inside the walls - incredible food! She (Monica) comes up to Sa Penya with us, she's from Marcial's church. Gorgeous to see her. We ate amazing food...and then come the end, she utterly refused to let us pay a penny!!!!!!!! Such generosity! We were all blown away!
We were meant to be going to a party later in the afternoon, but all felt wiped out...then a light tea and it was off to the airport for Neil.
It's been such a lovely few days with him, over too soon. Neil, when you read this, you fit into everything like you're always around! We love you and miss you, and are so so glad you came to stay. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Elena recommending me to Piero.
2) Monica's ridiculous generosity.
3) The bond between Neil and the kids.

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