Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Moving parts

It was quite obvious right from the moment I clambered out of bed that a spin on the bicycle was probably not going to be the best medicine. Pain was causing nausea, cold shivering sweats and trembling legs. I had to lie down on the shorty-bed sofa to avoid a faint.

What on earth to do about it on a Bank Holiday?
Brave the desk and laptop and Google “Osteopath near me”
Whenever I have tried this for other local services I have found myself jumping for joy at the location of my flat; of the great many NHS dentists in the area, the one with the most 5* reviews is the one closest to my front door, only twenty doors along the road; and of the several tattoo parlours hereabouts, the one with the most 5* reviews is the one closest to my front door, only ten doors down; my GP surgery is inside the local branch of Boots the Chemist inside the shopping centre.
Did I feel lucky?

Only three osteopaths in the area, but one is located in the building behind my flat, 65 metres away. Sod the review count! That distance was manageable even if I had to crawl there on hands and knees.

I phoned. The answer machine informed me that the receptionist had the day off but that the practitioners would check the messages and call me back. After an hour I began to worry a little, should I try one of the other practices? No, I'd shuffle round and ring the bell to find out if they were really open.
Craig from the gym on the floor above put his gym class on hold while he answered the door, took my details and promised to call Lauren, the osteopath.
Within an hour Lauren had called and offered me an appointment at 1:15. 
Glory be!

She worked her magic and then told me that I am suffering from “facet irritation”. She gave me a couple of gentle exercises to try out as often as I felt brave enough.

Will I be fit for work in the morning? Will I make it to meet V at Damon's tree next Saturday? Will I make it to my WaterAid training session a week after that? Will I be able to cart a tent to Glastonbury, sleep on a mat on the ground and clean toilets? Who knows!

At least I don't appear to have actually popped another disc.

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