Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


Thank you all for your very kind words! I'd love to respond individually but desk time is unwise I fear.

I was so much better this morning than I had been yesterday, but even so decided that it would be prudent to call in sick and remain horizontal. I did however email my application form to my manager.

I have spent a great deal of time lying down reading, and this is my latest. What a fascinating piece of writing! Set in what remains of Kent in a future post-apocalyptic iron age. Written in it's own dialect contemporary to the setting of the story makes it quite hard going, but not as incomprehensible as the introduction by Will Self, whose words are muffled by his head being well and truly up his own arse.

At noon I braved a gentle ride on the bicycle, just to find out what was what, and yes, cycling is heaps easier than walking. I bimbled about on the level by the riverside and discovered, much to my amazement, what appears to be a newly installed open-air public gym. Had I had my camera with me I'd have shown you, but I hadn't. Perhaps another day then.

I tryd to plot the parbeltys of it and program what to do nex. I knowit we bes put a farness behynt us qwicks we cud only we dint have no hoap of going sly by day.

Translates to;
I tried to work out the probabilities of it and plan what to do next. I knew we had best put a distance behind us as quickly as we could, only we had no hope of travelling unseen by day.

"The cod-naturalism that infects so many texts is not an arbitrary convention, it's the very essence of what modern identity is. The idea that what I say to you will be immediately and lucidly comprehended is one of the most prosaic delusions of this most neurotic age"

Translates to:
Blah blah-di blah. I'm going to write big-word waffle so you think it is you and not me who has a communication shortfall.

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