Climb a mountain to fly a kite

We climbed a mountain this morning - not bad for the four year old to walk up - and me to carry the 2 year old (and a back pack).  It was in fact Latrigg, so less that 500m walk to the peak from where we parked the car.  The eldest was just so proud of himself (and ate all his dinner this evening proclaiming he had to be strong to be a mountain climber!).  My sister had thoughtfully bought a kite, so they ran around flying that for ages before having a picnic.  The eldest accompanied his uncle back down in a race (pretty punchy when your uncle is a fell runner) - but the four year old won. 

Bit of a mooch around Keswick before going back to my sisters house for a rather lazy afternoon (I might have had a sneaky 5 minute sleep curled up with the youngest - divine).  

Happy - exhausted - boys this evening. 

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