
I tried to find a new walk today. The first attempt took me to a place that had a sign saying "Dogs must me kept on a lead" so did an about turn and found somewhere else. W then just followed our noses and my footpath app and kept walking.

I did wonder what the long purple strip on my app was - then found this sign! I then came across 2 old biddys with a paper map who had got lost. I tried to pretend that I knew what I was talking about as I pointed them in the direction I thought was right - as we stood in the middle of the air strip - and hope that they got home ok!!!!

I think Bella is really yawning in this picture but I like to think she was laughing with me!!!

Later on in the afternoon, I did a bit of pressure washing. The garden chairs, the decking, the patio, the pots, the pot dishes - anything I could find really!!! Bella also tried to help but she wasn't keen on the noise. But boy did my shoulder hurt afterwards. When Annette said try and keep it moving, I'm not sure she meant that sort of moving but I'm fed up with not being able to get anything done!

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