Sheila's Stone

Today's the day . . . . . . . to name

Right at the end of the dig last week - just as we were really packing up to go home - I came upon this big slab of a stone.

It was completely different from most of the stones I had trowelled out during the day.  It was flat, horizontal and it had a straight edge - and it was quite obvious that it was not rubble - it was one of the laid stones in the wall.  It was perfectly in line with another bit of the wall further along - a continuation.  It was beautiful.

I didn't really want to stop - but it was time to go home and I had to leave it.  It was there today though and it's even bigger than we thought.  It has now been measured and catalogued (see extra) - and best of all, it has been named - Sheila's Stone . . . . . . . . . . 

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