A New Day

By ANewDay

Not So Des Res

Sadly, none of the neighbourhood birds seem to like this vacant property and it remains empty during the breeding season:-(  I think it probably went on the market too late for this year, as I only recently discovered it in a box of stuff in the garage!

An interesting morning when we woke to find that the whole of the village was without water.  We had just enough bottled water to make a drink for breakfast, but no showers etc were possible until 2 o'clock this afternoon when the burst water  main was repaired.

Fortunately this was just in time for me to entertain a couple of neighbours to tea and cake and the lemon drizzle cake I made yesterday went down very well.  I think I've found my "signature" dish, as it seems to turn out well every time:-)

The bird feeders have now been wired to the pole, so we'll see in the morning if the score has been evened up - or not!

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