Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Merry Christmas

It seems my body clock is still set to work mode as yet again I was awake at 6am. It gave me time to get the oven on for the turkey and my blips from the last couple of days updated. With most of the prep done on Sunday I was free to enjoy the morning. We brought Granny over, skyped with my sister and nephew and then opened presents before lunch. Some nice climbing gear, fluffy socks and a recipe book I've been waiting nearly 3 months to read!

Lunch was eaten, though not enough to induce the usual Christmas afternoon food coma. We took granny home just as Chippy and Ash arrived for the afternoon. We skyped with South Africa to catch up with The Boy's family, ate the usual sandwiches and cake and even Milo was brought out for some cuddles.

I've had great fun playing with my Mum's Canon 30D this holiday and the various lenses she has to accompany it. I know what I'll be saving up my penny jar for this year. I noticed these nuts on the table and had fired off a few shots during the day. Too much clutter in the background so they were taken in to the "studio" for another try.

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