Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Merry Christmas

For the last two years (since we joined Blip) Mum and I have been getting the turkey on and then going for a Christmas morning walk/drive to take some photos. This year was quite a contrast to the cold, crisp, snowy mornings of 2009 and 2010, as The Boy remarked as we left the house it was a nice morning for mid-September.

We took a wander round the local wood, practiced slowing water over a weir on the river and played with depth of field on these lovely lichens before heading back through the mud and drizzle to home.

We had a lovely day, I didn't overload the dinner plates and consequently, most of us stayed awake in the afternoon. We were visited by Chippy and Ash whilst Granny was taken home for a nap. Lovely day and some lovely gifts.

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