Dinosaur Cove

We were up early this morning as we were booked in for blood tests.......the nurse was very skillful, usually people struggle to get anything from my veins, but she had no trouble with either of us!

We headed straight to Costa once we were done, as we had had to fast after 10pm! The coffee and bacon bap were soon devoured ;-)

Back home for a,couple of hours, so one or two chores were taken care of, before we headed to daughters to pick up Emily for a couple of hours.

We had to exchange something at Bents, after which we went to play Crazy Golf. Although we had seen and heard the dinosaurs whilst on earlier visits, we had never played golf. Have to say as crazy golf goes, it really is a very nice course, with the moving, roaring dinosaurs for company!! I have added an extra of the company :-D

Emily and I played, Grandad held the coats and bags, he really wanted to protect his knees, which have been giving him grief of late! I didn't mean to win.......honest ;-)

Afterwards we went for an early tea at Macdonalds....I did check what the best option would be for me, 6 chicken nuggets = 8 syns, and a garden salad, could have been worse!!

Ive finally got around to listing a couple of things for sale on ebay, since trading in my DSLR.....flash unit and backpack, not overly optimistic, as there are loads on there, but we shall see!

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