Abstract Thursday, Natural

Visit to the hairdressers today roots done and a a trim.  Got home about 12ish - Quick lunch and then KG decided he needed to finish off the tree he started on yesterday.  That is all a lot tidier now and the green bin is full again.  Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday - my contribution today is SOOC apart from a tweak in levels.  Found this one quite intriguing - about a year ago we bought a job lot at the auction (KG made my sewing cupboard out of the bureau) . We have most of the other bits in the conservatory but this particular item lives in the Man Cave (see extra) and it is my chair when I go visiting when he is busy and I want to chat.
On another note - I was intrigued about yesterday's tin do decided to google it and it turns out it is quite rare worth about £15.00 - it was designed by 12 year old Paul McNicoll in 1987 for a competition and he was the winner.  My curiosity was fired as to why they were sad - well having looked closer at the sides of the tin they are smiling and have an cup of OXO in front of them - so I was guilty of not really looking at the tin
Another sunny day 

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