Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

D Day Commemorations

Like so many WW2 veterans, my dad never spoke of his experiences.
He first served in the Royal Navy aboard landing craft, seeing sights too horrific to want to talk about.  After the war he continued with a career in the service until eventually retiring 35 years after he first joined up.
In retirement he became involved with The Landing Craft Association and and he began to attend the D Day Commemorations in France.
In his later years he worked tirelessly to have a memorial dedicated to all LST sailors who lost their lives during the invasion. The Duke of Edinburgh is pictured with my dad at the unveiling ceremony in Ouistreham in June 2000
Due to his failing health, my mum (ever present up to this point) had protested about him attending so I was 'lined up" to escort him to the 60th Anniversary. Sadly he died a few months before. 
It was so emotional today watching all the proceedings on the tv. True heroes and heroines.
My dad would have loved to have been part of it. 
RIP Dad. You will always be my hero.

Thanks to Steveng for hosting this week’s wide Wednesday challenge.

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