
By NellieD

If we all did 2 minutes!

I'm trying to clear a few errands now I'm on countdown for my new job.  I'll have to get used to being out all day again!

I took some bags to the charity shop and spotted this litter picking station.  If I wasn't on my way to the food bank with an eclectic mix of laundry detergent and cooking oil, I might have stopped and done my 2 minutes.

It's like that phrase "I can't make much of a difference on my own - said millions of people all around the globe".

Tomorrow I think I'll sort out all the donations of knitted hats from my group that are currently sat in my craft room.  If I can organise a drop-off with the charity, I'll have freed up a load of space.

I should have done all this months ago!

Quote for today:
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.
- Helen Keller

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