Paets, on an Industrial Scale

Dry first thing, and then rain came in at the back of 10am.  It's been raining all day and night, dull, and mist on the hills.  A fairly calm day.

Big Brian, peerie Brian and dad got three more rows of tiles on the roof this morning, before the rain.  I've been working in the museum all day, and a busy morning, and another busy spell in the afternoon.  I had Fair Isle and Foula schools in for a workshop on WWII.  Met mam for lunch.  I've had a sore nip in my back this past couple of days, but walkies with Sammy really have been helping it.  Feet up by the fire tonight. 

I was heading down to mam's this evening, but first a walk.  Bit of a silly idea heading up the hills, the rain didn't seem bad at first, but me and Sammy got soaked, so I headed home after and never made it to mam's.  The peat hill here really does make my tiny peat bank look small.  The peat is dug on industrial scale, and sold in the local shop and individuals.  This is probably not much compared to what people needed in the past, but back then it was managed better.  The peat is removed, and left wide open for further erosion.  In the past, and as I do, we use this years turf to repair last year's cutting, and the peat blank recovers and grows again.  I wonder how many miles of peat here, 100? Taken up the south peat hill, Cunningsburgh.  

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