Mam at Scousburgh Sands

A beautiful morning in Scalloway, but misty from Sandwick and south.  It soon burned off, and been a sunny and warm day.  Sunset now 10.30pm, and dark by midnight.  

I've been working in the Croft House Museum all day, and I've had a busy day of visitors.  The boys have got on good with the roof, and one ridge tile to go, hopefully get that tomorrow.  Been to the peat hill with mam this evening, and she's been helping raise my peats.  A late takeaway with mam and the boys, after their pints.

Mam popped along work at lunchtime, we grabbed a sandwich and headed to the beach for lunch.  Such a stunning day, and it had to be spent outside.  Not looking like a good weekend, so making the most of it.  Here's mam snapping a few photos on Scousburgh Sands.  

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