
"Do you come with me in the garden, Omo?"
"Sure, what do we play? Catching clods?"
"I need a blip"
"Oh, not again"
"I've lots of treats!"
"Good argument"
"Sit down there."
"I lie down!
"No, sit"
"Oh, right, stand"
"Oooomo siiiiiiit theeeeeere and staaaaaaay"
"I sniff there and come for treats to you, okay?"
"What's this?"
"I removed the thorns"
"Are you kidding? Blimey! I'm NOT a girl!!!"
"Come back!"
"Oh, Omo, pleeeeease!"
"Okay , you'll get 5 seconds, but this will cost you a lot of treats"
"Good boy"

I'm really glad that Omo loves to be my blip victim :-)

Thank you admirer for hosting Silly Saturday :-))

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