The Early Bird Catches the Worm...

...and the early photographer catches the blip?

Actually to be honest it wasn't all that early. But this thrush is nesting in a tree in our garden and is busy feeding its chicks - we've seen it several times over the last few days. I've not managed to catch it on camera until this morning, when I saw it through the kitchen window while doing the washing up. Fortunateluy it hung around long enough for me to grab my camera and put the long lens on. I took the shot through the window so it wasn't as sharp as I'd hoped: I've sharpened it in processing without (I think) too many artefacts.

(Looks best viewed large.)

Otherwise it's been a much better day weather-wise than yesterday so I was able to spend lots of time gardening - but I think even if I spend every day for the next month there'll still be more jobs to do! They say gardening is good for you but I don't think I'm that dedicated. anyway.

(One of the jobs was to prune our Forsythia shrub. I was pretty aggressive with it so I'm a bit concerned what my Editor's reaction will be when she gets back tomorrow from visiting her Mum...I'll have to be ready with the "Don't worry, dear, it'll soon recover...!")

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