Backseat Driver

Went along to the car showroom today.  Everything has relevance to everything else.

 Today we stopped our Monday morning dance session slightly earlier than the usual 12.30.  Jamie had gone into the gents expecting to return for another dance.  On my way out I had to go to the gents and Jamie was surprised the session had finished.  Having a flashback to my schooldays I said ‘We got let out early.  This afternoon we have double physics’.  Jamie indicated he hadn’t studied physics; he hadn’t completed his secondary education having left school at 14.  Naturally I asked ‘What did you do when you left school’?  He said ‘I became a cook’.  I assumed he meant on a vessel in Scapa Flow or going to the fishing.  He replied in the negative and said he became a cook on the farm, i.e. at home.  I asked why?  ‘Well my Mum was in bed with angina for 6 months and there was no one else as me sister was up the duff.  She said that the back seat of a Hillman Hunter is very springy’.

Straight from the Cask.

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