
As we had a birthday party in the afternoon, I went out early for a walk, followed by a visit to my parents to see how my mom is doing. About 1.5km into my walk, I noticed a cyclist was approaching behind me. I looked back and at that time I stepped into a tiny hole in the ground, resulting in a sprained ankle. I could barely walk but after a while it felt better and I continued my walk.

After visiting my mom I walked home. My ankle felt a lot worse and. at the birthday party we went to I just decided to sit down and stay where I was. Still, I had a photography assignment in the evening so I went to Veendam for that. Again, my ankle hurt quite bad but that disappeared later once I was on the move for a bit. The walk back to the car was a real struggle. When I got home, I could finally put my foot up and put a cold-pack on it. Let’s hope things will improve soon...

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