
By AMealIAteToday

Eggs en Cocotte... and Baked Cucumbers

Goat cheese eggs en cocotte, baked cucumbers, and salad. Wine: Terra Santa Ile de Beauté 2017 (Corsican blend of Vermentino and Chardonnay).

Eggs on cocotte: always enjoyable. Salad: I like salad. Baked cucumbers..? Baking cucumber seems a very strange (possibly even deranged) thing to do. But Julia Child includes baked cucumbers in Mastering the Art of French Cooking. If Julia Child told me to make ice cream with oysters, I would try it. I trust Julia. Verdict: baked cucumbers are actually very tasty. You’ll have to try it on your own to know what they taste like, though. I’m not sure how to describe them. (Hopefully, you own MTAOFC, but if not, the recipe can be found online.)

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