Looking out of...

...the window when I woke up was streaming floods of tears down the window, and a paddling pool round my bungalow. My wellies are kept in the garage...probably have something nesting in them by now...

So I turned over and looked the other way...and this is what greeted me from my bedside table...

So I went to make a coffee and come back to bed...well it was 5 am...cat agreed...but I had mislaid my phone. So I am moving all the pillows, duvet, blankets, electric blanket. Cat thought this was great fun getting rolled up in blankets, and a great game to catch my hands with his claws...

I couldn’t get back into bed. I didn’t want to sit on the phone...

What had I done with it? I went back in the front room, then I remembered. I took phone to front room and I was going to put my fairy lights on and send you all a brilliant positive photo, for this grey, dreary, rainy, torrential, dreich, Noah’s Ark kind of day. But the plug for the fairy lights was jammed and I couldn’t get it out. I had been going to be positive today...

Coffee was cold when I got back in bed. This lot were no help in me finding my phone. I was wanting help today to tidy up indoors. But a fairy with attitude is no help, nor a little devil. And what use is a zombie?

I have joined cat Popeye under the bed covers and electric blanket. December is better than this....

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