Pinkster Sunday

More formally known as Pentecost.

The tile dude returned this morning, nonetheless, to complete the work.  He was done after two hours.  Neat, huh?

About a couple of hours later, AW twisted his back.  These things happen ... *sigh*

In the meantime, more email exchanges between the Viking and myself about the coming storm.  In Manila, it will be 'all systems go' tomorrow.  Wonder what they'll find.  In between the housework, continued work on the genealogy info.  Ishiguro capped the day.

And then, of course, every now and then, I had to help AW walk, sit, stand up, sit again.

This was shot from our waterfront.  I think the ducks and swans know somehow that it was a Sunday, too.  I think they know it better than we do.

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