Dog Rose Heart

I went  and found my favourite walk again after a few weeks not being able to go as the farmer had locked a gate to keep sheep in and I couldn't lift Bella over it but myself. But a friend then told me there was a style a bit further down the lane!!!! Der!

So off we went and had a lovely time.  The corn was long, the sheep had gone (and so had the poo!) and there were new styles which were easier to negotiate with my bad shoulder.  It really was beautiful.

We also passed a Dog Rose with Heart Shaped Petals all over the ground.

Later on I had a new family to work with.  More Skittles children.... my long term followers will know what I mean.  I had a new name of Tazzy and I liked it. I'm not a fan of shortened names.  My grandmother always called me "Tam"....I didn't seem to mind that.  Jasmine used to call my Tanzey and another child used to call me Tambin. Loved that! But I hate Tammy. Tazzy is nice!

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