youngies journey

By youngie66

Festive Chaos

Well it was mayhem at Edinburgh Waverly today with engineering work in Princes Street Gardens causing havoc as I came out onto the concourse with my Costa Coffee in my hand I was like the preverbeal flies round S***e as everyone was looking for answers to there questions so I helped as best I could and knowing my train was 3 minutes late I seen it dissapear off the departures board only to arrive 31minutes late due to congestion so this was my first of two trips to Glasgow so after changing over with the other driver he told me I had 3 out of 5 engines working great start to the day so on departing Haymarket the throttle was wide open and managed to pass through Curriehill Station at a rip roaring 68 mph but as the delay was down to Network Rail I had more greens than you would see in a bag of peas to try and minmise the delay sorry but with only 3 engines no chance now this is what bugs me about privitisation and how I believe double standards has came in since then as when the delay is attributed to NR they pull out all the stops to get trains back on time but when it is another Train Operating Company TOC like I had on my trip back to Edinburgh on my second trip I followed a freight train from Motherwell to Carstairs at 25mph from signal to signal and know one gives a toss as its not NR's fault well it sucks as I dont think the travelling public want to sit for 1hr 45mins from Glasgow to Edinburgh just so that another TOC picks up the tab for causing the delay bearing in mind that it sometimes costs £140.00 a minute for delays so you can see why NR pull out all the stops when its there fault but dont give a hoot when its another TOC's fault the great money merry go round any how RANT over in this shot you can see a Tamper which lifts the track up underneath it to pack the ballast and level out the uneven trackbed so this is my blip for the day hopefully a better trip to Leeds tomorrow so now you know why you get pumped regulary on late trains when its another TOC's fault.

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