Mr Handsome

We've had a bit of everything today.

Even without my glasses on I'm sure it was fine and frosty when I peeked through the curtains pre-dawn.

When I next woke it was thick and freezing fog. Eventually the fog cleared to cloud. Then we had a shower of rain and finally a little sun before dusk.

I'm looking forward to the shortest day next week. Then we can to creep back to longer days.

Remedial garden tasks needed my attention this afternoon. One lancewood is infested with scale. I carefully washed the leaves and trunk with soapy water. Once it dried I sprayed it with neem oil.

It's planted a bit deep and is stressed. My neighbours hedge has scale and that's where it's come from. Once the lancewood is lifted it will be happier, healthier and able to resist nasties.

I removed stakes and ties from the crab apple tree at the front. I shifted the stakes so I could attach the wind cloth I brought yesterday and create a wind shelter for the feijoas and lemon tree.

My new cultivator is a revelation. I've aerated the front garden and part of the north side. Then the cold drove me inside.

Mr Handsome wanted to attack the cultivator but that was never going to end well. Instead he bottled up his energy until this evening. The contents of his toy box have been upended and are spread from one of the house to the other.

Today's gratitude: For a lie on the sofa with my book.

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