The second half of life..

By twigs


Thankfully, a cooler night last night which was very nice. Got up slowly and cruised into the day having decided that I would head out to Pakawau today for a couple of nights. Spent part of the morning just sitting on the beach chatting, watching M hone his paddleboard skills and I her kayaking skills. Decided that the part of the beach we were at would make a gorgeous retreat over the winter when (according to DoC staff) there would likely only be 4 or 5 other campers at the ground - a stark contrast to the 850 or so apparently here at the moment! I even decided on which 'patch' I'd camp at :)

Over to Pakawau taking in a scenic walk to Wainui Falls through native bush and over a significant number of slips still bearing witness to last year's heavy rainfalls. Some of the bush-clad hillsides are looking stunning at the moment with plenty of SOuthern Rata in bloom.

Pakawau is windy (no surprises there I guess) - it feels like coming home to an old friend though. Took a walk down the beach tonight and am stunned to see 3 of the massive macrocarpas that had stood with about 20 or so others lying protrate across the beach, limbs snapped and torn, roots jutting above the land. Yet more evidence of the damage done by last year's storms.

Bed now with the sound of a somewhat wild bay pounding at the shore just metres away from my ears.

A blissful lullaby.


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