Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Falcon Chair

A few years ago now I purchased two chairs from an elderly fellow who was selling his house in Blackheath and moving north to a warmer climate. They were in urgent need of restoration but I really loved them and knew that one day I would find a good upholsterer who had the skill to bring them back to life. The gentleman just casually mentioned that he had purchased them many years ago and from memory they were known as “Falcon Chairs” and designed by a Norwegian Designer Sigurd Ressell.

They chairs lived in the storeroom at Wombat Hollow until a couple of years ago and I decided it was time to bite the bullet. Either restore them or sell them in their current condition. I’m so pleased I decided to breath new life into them and the local upholsterer did an amazing job. They now sit proudly in our living room and as you can see Arwen and Soleil our beloved “Sockbradors” from our friend Paula in Rosseau Canada have made themselves at home on one of them. They are truly the most comfortable chair to sit in and I have no problem nodding off in no time when it’s time for a “Nanna Nap”

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