Dog Day Afternoon

It was the morning actually.
A nice morning in fact.
Much nicer than the night - that was ruined by SWMBO falling out of bed.
She claimed it was because she was dreaming.
I think she had some sort of minor brain episode but there was no sign of it a short time later.

I took some pictures of weeds ( there are others) and a spider's web - mainly using the lens pretty well wide open...… for 'artistic' purposes.

I also took a picture of a split in a tree which looks like somebody has been trying to fill with putty (which is actually a fungus).

No idea what this guy was laughing at though.

I lay on the ground on the edge of the pond this afternoon and removed as much duckweed and green algae from the pond as I could reach and did some weeding …….. so it is worth putting out the garden waste bin this evening.

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