The Prom and my Birthday

After opening cards and receiving some wonderful gifts I went to Petersham nurseries with Alexandra, Emma and Max for coffee and cake and wondered around, it was a beautiful day and it is so lovely there.. there was a wedding going on and Max and I posed in the archway the church, we had some of the bride speech which was very moving.

Back home Erin had her make up done by Lauryn You came over with her friend Zoe, then Janette took Erin to the hairdressers so by the time we got back it was countdown to setting off for the prom, Janette gave me a fabulous bunch of flowers had some bubbles for my birthday, her florist friend has made a corsage for Emily and a buttonhole for Gulliver using flowers native to New Zealand which is where Janette’s family come from.

It was very exciting getting the kids ready, straightening ties, cutting the pockets open on the suit, attaching the buttonhole, Erin getting her lipstick right, Zebedee lent Gulliver a fabulous pair of pink socks which had never been worn which were perfect. Erin‘s dad Rob joined us and we all took lots of photographs of the kids and ourselves with them, it was very sweet and of course emotional too. Jeanette and Rob dropped them at the Richmond Hill hotel for the event and we all agreed they could go to an after party hosted by one of their friends parents in Teddington afterwards, they stayed at Janette and Robs which was great because Max and I both have very early starts tomorrow.

After they had left Alexandra cooked a delicious dinner for us, Mediterranean roast chicken and vegetables with feta cheese and chorizo, Max, Zebedee, Alexander and I had a relaxed dinner together, had a few drinks and watched TV, we are all quite tired so didn’t stay up too late.

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