Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Gone fishing

The great garden tidy up day two and TSM discovered various stuffed fish in the undergrowth that we bought for the cats to play with. When arranged on the bird bath they made an appealing tableau. I think I would have preferred three blue ones like those poncy French sardine tin illustrations but you can only work with what you have; creativity is ultimately a dance between the inconstant artist and a chaotic universe whose co-operation is never guaranteed (sighs audibly at this point and sucks thoughtfully on digital pen).

Energy levels fluctuated today, I had to have not one but two siestas to get through. I was out in the garden at 7am, but nowhere near as effective as I was yesterday. Nonetheless come late afternoon I had done more sterling work on the horticultural maintenance front, made a trip to the dump, painted the garden table, and put up hand painted signs to make the cats feel more at home in their backyard.

There were some interludes. I watched bits of "Daleks: invasion earth 2150", a curiously bad but compelling film from 1969. Dr Who’s mortal foes have trashed the planet but for some reason it is not the planet as you would expect to find it in 2050 but the London of the period when it was made. There were hoardings for The Evening News (which demised in the late seventies) and the remaining vehicles were definitely registered in the late 1950s. The Dalek spaceship looked as though someone had glued bits of leftover Airfix kits to a Soviet era hairdryer. Very odd but nostalgic watching for those of us who were ten years old at the time.

I also went to a high end farm shop whilst wearing one of my arsey t shirts ("All I want to do is save animals, drink coffee, create stuff and stop Brexit"). One of the staff came up to me and said "just want you to know that me and my colleagues love your shirt". Ironically he was working on the meat counter so presumably he was flexible on the whole animal welfare thing.

Been a good weekend. Exhausted now but have to move on to finishing the original Terminator movie. Hasta la vista baby ...

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