Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Thoughts of foul deeds

Ooooo mischief is in mind...while I am feeling exhausted and nemesis the wind, has many levels of mischief and chaos to hurl at me.

I struggled against the wind as it threw twigs and debris at me, in spite it acted, with vengeance it pushed against me, pushing me first this way and then that. I hardly slept at all last night..up to blow my nose....then cough,cough,cough! So it was with little armour that I entered the battle field this morning, ill prepared for the onslaught of wind and raging gusts.

In the blackness of cloud covered morning I felt tiny, all alone on the road, small and flimsy....not like me at all!

I wish for today to pass swiftly..for me to get home and collapse...I really don't have anything to give...just get through it. Pitiful...

All my thoughts for partying are put aside..I just need some days at better...not start the new year with a shitty cold.

Hope you all have a good day :)

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