Even a lovely cup and chain.
Limited WiFi access.
It rained torrentially all day. One way or another, with the help of Blondie, we made it over Queensferry Bridge. The tide may have been high, or not, it was impossible to tell. I wish I could have taken photos of the Bridge, it was ethereal, the dreich weather made the white stays of the Bridge into an Arachne heaven of lines and light.

Very moved listening to a programme on male infertility this evening after a walk along the Fife coast path (when the rain finally stopped).

Notes to self as I go quietly feral....
Maybe there is something to be said about the ipt shit. I do get it but it has lost its way, like so many....(angels on a pinhead).
As long as it is done in ways that are meaningful but that seems to get lost in the obsession with ‘task’.
I suspect like all these things - something has got lost in translation.
‘They murder to dissect’ (I will love you forever WW for that quote)
Just like Beck would be so disappointed if he saw what had happened to cbt today.
It all drives me closer to home...thank ‘god’.
Closer to Rogers.
Authenticity and integrity.
I am overwhelmed.

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