To Lower Largo

For Grace

I took this as the sun went down over Lower Largo in the distance after a tiring day that started with a swim and then walking the coast via the Elie chain walk and then heading on to The Ship for the promise of a toilet, a beer and a bowl of Cullen skink sat out looking across the bay before the long walk back again. Hips and knees suffering.

The chain walk was just wonderful. The only others on it were a couple of teachers with four children...all with protective helmets on. I wondered if I should have worn my bike helmet. I’ve taken photos with my camera but will have to wait until I get home to see if any are worth posting (extra added). The geology and wildflowers were just wonderful. At one point I saw an upturned rucksack at the base of the cliff. Concerned, I went to investigate. As I climbed up I found the chasm of McDuff’s cave (where he is supposed to have hidden from Macbeth) and there I discovered a geologist doing various checks and investigations. We talked a bit about the remarkable geology - just nearby were huge cathedral-like basalt columns similar to the giants causeway.

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